Thursday, May 16, 2013

Moving on Up

The "baby" chickens have reached 1/2 chicken size and I have decided that they are big enough to have a little more room to roam.  I closed off the door between the chicken runs and let the kids out of their box.  They started acting like big chickens right away - pecking and scratching at the dirt and taking dust baths in the shade.  I think they are quite enjoying their larger area.
The younger chickens are still going to be kept separate from the adults until they are pretty close to fully grown.  They are only separated by a fence so they can still interact with each other a little bit.  I want them to get used to the idea of being a part of the same flock, but I don't want the big birds to harass the young ones too much.  Right now they seem happy to chase them along the fence when the opportunity presents itself.  Once that gate is opened between the runs I'm sure there will be a few days of turmoil while the pecking order gets reestablished, but I am confident that they will integrate into the flock nicely.  I have even noticed that the black and white chicken that I think is a rooster has been eying the older ladies.  I hope they don't hen peck him too much.

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