Friday, March 14, 2014

Enjoy Life Much

As I go about my day to day living I have noticed something about many of the people in the world around me.  Many of them just seem unhappy.  Maybe it's the daily grind of getting up every day and going to work at unfulfilling jobs.  Maybe they aren't doing what they thought they should be by now.  Maybe their childhood aspirations didn't turn out the way they expected them to.  They don't make enough money, don't have a big enough house, don't have a nice enough (fill in the blank here).  I can empathize with that, but I still think that most people are missing the point.

Life is not about earning the most money, having the most stuff, or being "better" than someone else.  Its about figuring out what makes you happy and then doing as much of that as you can find time for.  Sometimes you won't know if something can make you happy until you try it.  Thinking about it won't do.  Talking about it just isn't the same.  It's when you experience something that you will really find the joy in it.

The happiest times that I can remember are when I was actually out doing things: hiking, camping, canoeing, gardening, cooking, eating, hanging out with friends and family.  There really isn't a replacement for any of those things.  You can't get that feeling from watching a show on TV or playing a video game.  My point is if you want to enjoy life then you need to live it and experience it, so don't just sit there....get out and live (and don't forget to enjoy it!)

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