Monday, May 27, 2013


I have noticed that there are quite a fews spots in my pole bean bed where the seedlings just never came up.  Maybe I am being impatient but I decided that since so many have sprouted already that now would be a good time to fill in the empty spots with new seeds.  I really want my bean Tipis to look filled out and that won't happen if the beans grow sparsely around each pole.  I hope the second round comes up quickly so they don't get too far beind the first sprouts.

This bed was weeded about a week ago, so most of the green things you seed should be bean sprouts.
This is the base of one the central poles.  Three out of four ain't bad I guess but I will still plant another seed in the empty space to try to fill it out completely.
I may have to do the same thing in the cucumber bed, but those seedlings have just started emerging within the past couple days, so I will give them a little more time to come up before reseeding the bed.

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