Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Change Is In the Air

As with all things in life nothing stays the same for very long.  There is a good reason that the blog posts have come to an abrupt stop.  There have been many changes taking place in this house - the biggest of which (and most sudden) is that I am moving.  I am going back home to figure out what it is that I really want to do with my life (it's kinda like a midlife crisis without the crisis being all that bad).  Over the past few years I have learned many new skills including gardening, canning, and spinning.  I've learned enough about these things that I am thinking that I could make a decent living doing nothing but these things, but not while I am already working two jobs to make ends meet.  I am moving home to clear my head and get my ideas in order to see if I could make a feasible business doing the things I love as more than a side hobby.  I want to look into local farm interships to learn more about the business side of farming as well as to make some good contacts in that realm.  I want to work on building up a customer base for hand spun, hand crocheted items as well.  I am thinking that a market garden could provide the bulk of my income in the summer and spinning and crocheting could provide a decent income in the winter.  Both would keep my plenty busy in their respective seasons.

So for now I am sorry to say that the blog has taken a back seat to everything I need to get done before I move, and will probably continue to be on the slow side until I find more time to write and take more pictures.  For now just know that this years garden has mostly finished up for the year.  Potatoes and carrots have been dug and the summer crops have been done in by the first frost of the season out here.  There will be no more tomatoes to be made into sauce, or cucumbers to be made into pickles.  The green beans have been dehydrated and their tipis have been dismantled.  The only things still growing in the garden are the late cabbage and those will be harvested just before I move.  I am trying to take as much with me as possible when I move because I couldn't stand to see this summer's efforts go to waste.  This years garden was the best yet which only gives me more confidence that I could make a market garden happen if I worked on it full time. 

All in all change (no matter how sudden) can be a good thing and I am hoping this change I am going through brings me closer to where I want to be in the end.  Life takes many twists and turns and all I can do is hang on for the ride.  It just goes to show that you never really know what lies ahead in life.  Sometimes you just have to go where life takes you and be open to the results.

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