Saturday, June 15, 2013

Light Harvests

The garden is growing slowly but steadily.  The young seedlings are sending up more leaves and filling out nicely.  After topping the young broccoli they sent out many new florets which I was able to harvest for a fresh salad topping.
I will have to keep up with harvesting the florets for the rest of the summer or they will go to seed and stop producing.
The peas have grown enough to produce their first harvest.
 There aren't many peas yet, but the plants are becoming covered in flowers and I'm sure I will have plenty to harvest in the next few weeks.  For now they too have become additions to the salad we have been enjoying fresh on a daily basis.
These are some carrots that were ready for harvest from a planter box I planted in January.  They aren't very big, but they sure are tasty.  I hope the ones growing out in the garden are this flavorful.
I have also been able to harvest about a half cup of ripe strawberries from the strawberry patch almost every day.  Since I am only getting a few at a time and they don't last long in the fridge I have been freezing what I do have until I have enough for a batch of strawberry jam.  I bet it will the tastiest jam I've ever had.

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